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A patent registration in chennai is a privilege granted by the government to an inventor for an invention that is a new and innovative solution to an existing technical problem.

Eligible for an invention for the patent with the following features:

Innovation – Innovation must be new or novel means that the invention has never been made, maintained or used before. It should show some new features unknown in public knowledge (“ancient art”).

Innovation phase – Innovation should not be obvious. An innovation phase is a feature that involves technological advancement compared to existing knowledge.

Industrial application – Innovation must have the potential to be used in certain industries. It should take the form of a device / appliance, a product or an industrial process.

Features of patent registration in Chennai

A patent registration in Chennai is  a type of intellectual property right that gives the owner all the legal right to use his or her own invention in any way. The government protects innovation, which is a new process or product. A patent licenses an inventor to use it for a limited period of time. It licenses his invention to be sold and use. Patent infringement gives the patent holder exclusive rights to sue the infringer. As India is also moving towards an innovation hub, patent filing has suddenly gained recognition. The Government of India is also encouraging innovators to take the initiative. It is a right grant to an individual or organization. All Indian inventors who wish to protect their intellectual property must register their patent under the Patent Act, 2002. Always seek the help of patent attorneys for the patent registration process.

Types of patent application

A temporary patent is a primary application, and is usually file when additional time is require to improve the application. The initial filing of an application gives the right to the first inventor and prevents others from becoming art before inventions. Within 12 months of filing the provisional application, a full explanation will be filed. Otherwise, it may lead to leaving the application. For patent registration in Chennai this application is very carefully draft and the rights to innovation are reserve

Convention application

Filing a convention application for patent registration in Chennai,T.Nagar gives the applicant the right of preference in all convention countries. The applicant may receive preference if any such application is file in any of the convention countries. The priority period is 12 months from the date of application of the first convention to claim.

National Phase PCT Application

At the national stage, the applicant must file a national stage patent application in India within 31 months of the international filing. The decision to grant patent protection in a particular country depends on the patent office of that particular country. This requires a lot of procedures in patent filing  in Chennai,T.Nagar

 Additionally patented

An additional patent can be applied for when a patent has already been filed and a slight improvement in subsequent invention. A new application may not be file because it does not meet the require of an innovation phase. Additionally a patent can be file. It saves development and also saves money.

Divisional application

If there is more than one invention in the patent application, then the applicant will have to divide the application according to the number of inventions. A divisional application can be file at any time before a patent is grant

Patent of addition

In addition important features 

Sections 54, 55 and 56 of the Act are additionally specific provisions governing patents. In addition to an application for a patent, an improvement or modification of an invention described in the main application for which the patent has already been applied for or obtained a patent. The applicant must be identical to the major invention and indicate the language of the improvement / change and provision, if the improvement / change has an additional applicant, the additional patent will not be continued. Additionally for patent filing in Chennai, the patent must be in the same application or later than the date the main application was filed. Therefore, in principle, an additional patent can be filed even after the main application has been granted.

In addition, improvement or modification on the main application is the subject of an independent patent, and if the patent is identical for both inventions, the controller may, at the request of the patent, revoke and grant the independent patent in addition as a patent.

Additionally there are no special rules governing the priority date of patents and, therefore, the default rule applies – in addition the date of filing a patent is consider a priority date is certainly subject to other provisions of the Act.

In the case of an additional patent, in accordance with Rule 13 (3) of the Patent Terms, each additional patent shall include a reference to the principal patent or application for the principal patent and shall contain a definite statement that the invention is an improvement. Or a modification of the innovation specified in the full description of the main application.

Additionally innovation and innovation phase

In addition to Section 56 of the Act, an additional patent shall not be invalid, or revoked, in addition the innovation specified in the full specification of the patent shall not include an innovation step in view of the main application. Ravi Kamal Bali Vs Kala tech. This was clearly established in the case of Kala Tech and others [Bombay High Court, Order dated 12 February 2008], where the Bombay High Court dismissed the respondent’s contention. The innovation phase on the main application. However, Section 56 (2) clarifies that disclosure of the additional application / patent will additionally be consider in determining the newness of the patent.

This serves as a useful pre-test for an applicant – in addition to the applicant’s option to file such a change / improvement as a patent if it appears that there is a serious risk that the next change / improvement may not have a detection stage compared to the initial innovation.


Patent is essential in our country. Patent registration in chennai is done by Solubilis. We have branches in all over India and our legal experts will provide guidance during the process of registration.


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